I’m a sucker for a bit of merchandising and crossing an Android tablet with the Transformers franchise is a sure-fire winner. Xiaomi released this toy in partnership with Hasbro last April, but they were a bit expensive at the time. Now you can grab one for under $60AUD delivered to your door.

The Transformer is of course the Decepticon ‘Soundwave’, the Transformer that used to be a cassette recorder back in the 80’s, who has been re-imagined for this release in tablet form for the 21st century. The tablet being aped is the Mi Pad 2 which is well and truly out of the market by now. It’s still pretty cool though as you can see in this video:

There’s a few deals around, but the cheapest I can find at this stage is from Zapals, who will sell it for $45.50 and ship it for $11.07, totalling $56.57.

From previous comments here on Ausdroid there’s a few Xiaomi fans around, and at least some of you must be Transformers fans as well. It looks like a fun toy so check it out.
Note: The links to Zapals are affiliate links which help to support the running of Ausdroid. You pay no extra, and Zapals sling us a dollar or two for the link.

Source: Zapals.