With prime BBQ season in Australia approaching it’s time to plan for how you’ll cook your next BBQ and for the tech enthusiasts Green Mountain Grills new range of app controlled pellet grills could be a good choice.

Green Mountain Grills aren’t your run of the mill gas BBQ’s, they’re high tech pellet barbecue grills. Pellet grills use hardwood pellets for fuel which imbue the meets with unique smoky flavours.

There are three Wi-Fi enabled grills in the Green Mountain Grills range, starting with the Davy Crocket at $949RRP, or you can step up to the Daniel Boone for $1,399 RRP ($1,549 with a stainless steel hood) or the big boy, the Jim Bowie for $1,799RRP ($1,949 with stainless steel hood).

It’s all app controlled, with apps for Android and iOS available. You can monitor your meat temperature or set timers and alarms, and adjust grill temperature, air flow, and fuel usage which should make for the perfect grill, every time.

The Green Mountain Grill range is available at retailers all over Australia, for more information you can see the range on their website.

Green Mountain Grills
Green Mountain Grills
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    A friend of mine built this – https://smartfirebbq.com/

    It makes almost any wood or charcoal BBQ app controlled. Australian, too.