Very few manufacturers have officially updated phones to Google’s latest version, Android 8.0 Oreo. HTC have a relatively good track record with updating their flagships and this year is no exception with updates rolling out to Australian HTC 10 phones this weekend.

After beginning testing of Android 8.0 for the HTC 10 in December of last year and a failed first update earlier this year Optus has begun rolling out the Oreo update to all Optus-purchased HTC 10 phones:

This is confirmed on the Optus YesCrowd page:

Previous release was withdrawn by HTC due to a software issue. This has now been fixed and updates for 8.0 should be live again later today and over the weekend

Vodafone are in the process of testing the update so we expect to see them roll them out soon. Telstra are not letting on where they are up to with their HTC 10 update.

It is great to see carriers rolling out updates to phones although we wish updates did not have to go through carriers but unfortunately that is the reality for Android users. For HTC 10 owners on Optus keep an eye out for the Oreo update.

Have you received the update on your HTC 10 yet? What do you think of HTC’s take on Android 8.0 Oreo?

Source: Optus.
Via: James.
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    Way too slow. glad I went with OnePlus, just got 8.1 and it is looking good.


    Telstra have released the update as well suprisingly! It’s downloading as I type.


    Thanks for sharing! I just did a manual check and you’re right it’s available and downloading now 🙂 hope performance of the phone stays good, (crosses fingers).


    Oh dear the unread badges are now gone, shame as I really liked them.


    Works for me but I have been using the Nova Launcher for a very long time, like 5 years instead of the built in HTC Sense.

    Ben Williams

    It’s available for Vodafone as well. Both myself and a friend with Vodafone 10’s had it appear last night.