I’ve been using Chrome OS since I imported a CR48 laptop a few years ago. Chrome OS has come ahead in leaps and bounds in the intervening years, but one thing has always bugged me – the lack of a calendar widget when you click on the time in the sys tray.

It’s a simple thing, which Windows has offered for quite a while. Tap or click on the time and a small calendar pops up showing you just the basics of the month. The missing functionality in Chrome OS obviously isn’t bugging just me, with a user submitting a bug/feature request on the Chrome Bug tracker.

Issue 827803 has been starred by 155 users so far, and yesterday it was commented on by a Chromium developer, tagging in some other developers, tagging it as a UI UI>Shell>Shelf feature request.

The request is to get a simple calendar widget, but a suggestion tagged on suggests that Google could go a step further and if a day is selected that a Chrome Tab open up Google Calendar to the user that’s signed in – simple, yet immensely useful.

If you think this is a great idea, to get more attention for this neat feature request you should head over and hit the STAR on the top right of the page when signed in. Note: Star it only – DO NOT comment on it, as comments are then forwarded in email to everyone who has starred it, and we don’t need comments like ‘oh, yes this would be great’ or variants of emailed to everyone.

I like it, and it’s gotten a fair bit of traction, so if you think it’s a great idea head over and star the issue in the Chrome Bug Tracker now.

Source: Chromium Bug.
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    Mike Ranford

    Daniel I’m an Aussie who got on board with the original Samsung during a visit to the US and long time Chrome tragic. In the USA at the moment and just picked up a Pixelbook, what a machine built quality is in time to enjoy the rapidly evolving ecosystem as the lines between Chrome and Android blur. I will take a look at the mentioned function, thanks for some input as Chromebooks are thin on the ground on our side of the Pacific.