Google Photos is one of the most used features of the Google suite of products for some, and it’s getting a new feature this week with the option to Favourite a photo, and show someone you love their album.

The favouriting feature will work simply by getting you to tap the ⭐️ button in the top right of the screen to mark a photo as a favourite when you view a picture in Google Photos. Once you’ve favourited a photo, it’s a simple matter of checking out the ‘Favorites’ folder in Google Photos to check them all out.

Google is also adding the option to show people who share an album with you how much you like their album by adding a ♥️.

Google says the Favourite feature will roll out over the next week, but hasn’t said exactly when the option to ♥️ a shared album will show up beyond ‘coming soon’. Keep an eye out for the ⭐️ button on your photo in the next week, and then look out for the ♥️ to show your appreciation.

Source: @GooglePhotos.