The rollout of Routines for Google Assistant is a frustratingly US-only experience, and today an extension of that feature: Scheduled Routines, has begun rolling out for users in the US as well.

Google announced Routines for Google Assistant back in March this year, but the feature was released only in the US, with those outside of the US advised to continue using the ‘My Day’ feature. Today Scheduled routines are arriving, allowing you to set a custom routine that can activate at a specific time, and/or on a specific day.

Custom Routines with Scheduling is one of the primary reasons I am favouring Amazon’s Echo line of devices for my smart home setup currently. Google has a long way to go to catch up to Amazon in this respect in terms of global reach, but they haven’t had anything to say about expanding the reach of routines as yet.

If you’re willing to switch to US English you can often get these functions going but you’ll lose any localised Australian customisations. If that’s not a problem, give it a go and see how you go.

Source: reddit.
Via: Droid-Life.
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    its becoming a joke how long it take for feature to come to Australia still no Music Alarm been 8 Months of waiting

    Fernando De Leon

    Yes I get that same feeling is the google does not care about small markets like Australia or anything that’s not the US


    I don’t agree. We get many Google products and services well before much larger nations. Don’t forget, Google has a very substantial staff in Australia; Google Maps was developed here.