Google isn’t passing up an opportunity to advertise its new Night Sight feature for its Pixel phones. A new TV commercial has aired this evening in partnership with carrier Optus, highlighting the new feature.

The commercial highlights the pitfalls of taking photos in the dark, and how situations can be comprehensively ruined by the use of flash photography. From woken friends to distracted performers, flash photography is pretty awful, and this commercial beautifully captures the pain.

Enter Google’s Pixel Night Sight feature.

As we know from our story on Night Sight when it was first discovered (and before its official release), the feature can take amazing photos in near blackness, without resorting to the use of a flash.

The commercial shows how, by using Night Sight and avoiding flash photograhy, some great photos can be taken without disrupting your sleeping flight companion, or without distracting the guy playing the guitar.

It’s a clever commercial, we think you’ll agree.

The Pixel Night Sight ad joins existing advertising around getting all your friends in the frame with the front-facing wide angle camera, and the usual advertising seen around town on bus shelters, and across all our major carriers.