Every four years the world watches a heap of mostly extremely poorly paid athletes run, jump, swim, cycle etc around for the chance to win a medal. Once again Google will be a part of the Olympic Games in 2020 in Tokyo.

Via their Japanese blog Google have today announced that they are the first official supporter “(information and navigation service on the Internet)” to sign onto the sponsorship program for the 2020 games.

Google will use their products such as Google Search, Google Maps, and Google Translate to help tourists and competitors there for the games navigate the city(s) more efficiently and effectively.

Google will be able to provide individual race and event data in their Search results but apart form that it is unclear just what level this support extends to. The blog makes it sound as if Google will be streaming events —

Google will make it possible for fans to enjoy the event in real-time and all of the sports at the Summer games, even for those who can not get to the stadium

We suspect that the TV networks who pay the billions of dollars or so (which then doesn’t go anywhere near the athletes instead funding the IOC) for exclusive coverage would not be happy with that so it will undoubtedly be just search results only.

More features will be added in the time leading up to the games next year so if you are a fan of the Olympic or Paralympic Games check out what Google has to offer.

Source: Google Japan.
Via: 9to5Google.
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The IOC. They exist to organise competitions. And are the most uncompetitive organisation out there.


Yes, the IOC are as corrupt as they come. What goes on in choosing which city gets the games is appalling. It’s pure outright corruption.