There’s a lot of third party controller options for game consoles available these days. The new ESWAP Pro controller brings a new twist to the controller with modular setup meaning that you’re in control of not just your game, but your controller layout too.
The features list for the ESWAP is comprehensive with — on paper — intent for it to last some time. Headlined by the versatile and durable design, there’s a lot to like if you’re a gamer who prefers the handheld “console-style” controller. The control inputs have been designed for precision as well as including customisability for users who like certain traits in their controls. This can be configured through the Thrustmapper software available to PC and Playstation users.
Compatible with consoles and PC, the ESWAP controller will be available through JB Hi-Fi and EB Games for pre-order as of the 17th of November and retail sales from the 10th of December. While it may be subject to change, the expected costs are:
- Controller: $159.99
- Colour packs (aesthetics): $49.99
- Mini Stick Module: $19.99
- D Pad Module: $17.99
- T Case (for safe transport of your controller): $19.99
It’s an interesting and innovative step forward to offer configuration of physical controls versus a simple remapping of buttons. Given the season and timing, this could be an ideal gift for the gamer in your family at Christmas.
It feels like Thrustmaster fouled up the design to be able to charge gamers more. The PS buttons should have been a swappable block, so you could easily change them for XBox/Windows ABXY, or Nintendo ABXY.
Instead, there’s two separate controllers. One for PS4 / PS5, and another for XBox Series X/S / XBOne / Win10. I haven’t been able to find a Nintendo version of this controller online.
As well, Thrustmaster use a honking big surround, around a microUSB connector, instead of USB C.