For both OEMs and users to get the best smart home experience with the Assistant platform Google needs to create a device type for developers to develop against. Yesterday Google finally added native support for Doorbells.

While some OEMs had already developed doorbells for the platform that was without a native device type in the developer console. Hopefully, this will make it easier for OEMs to integrate their devices and we may see both more reliable function and wider adoption of Google Assistant integration with Doorbells.

The device schema includes two major traits, a camera stream and object detection. The guidelines also call for quality requirements including latency must be less than or equal to 2000ms and reliability must be more than or equal to 97%. Having used video doorbells I can attest to the need for both of these.

We’re always glad to see Google add more devices, and it has been a while since a new device type was added, we hope this is a sign of a lot of work about to emerge into the public eye.