That’s right folks, it’s that time again. The time we all gather round a virtual table and talk about the virtual world….Um I mean Android. This week is a bit different as we have a very special guest joining us, we said it was happening and tonight is the night. All the way from the U S of A, Phil Nickinson from Android Central will be joining us. So if your into Android and haven’t listened to us yet, your just bit time crazy, now is your chance. Jump on board and hold on for the hell ride that is, the Ausdroid Podcast

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    Takes you guys ages to have podcasts up for listening. Keen to hear ep.18 asap. Take it easy

    Steve Bank

    Yet another Android fan from the States here. I wish I heard of this podcast earlier, as I love hearing about phones and assorted gadgets that are available outside the US. (I’ve already added the site to my newsreader) I have gone through the archives and downloaded the first episodes to start off with while you get #18 posted.. Do you have an RSS link to the AAC versions of the episodes? If so, could you add it to the comments? (I gather that the AAC versions have chapters, right?) The MP3 episodes are not showing up in iTunes in… Read more »


    “So if your into Android” – someone needs to learn English! I think you’ll find it’s “you’re” – short for “you are”.
    Looks like I have missed the show as I am in the UK and by my calculation it’s now nearly midnight Australian Eastern Daylight Time.


    Can’t wait. I’m up early its some where around 4 a.m. I’m not to sure, but I’m here.