Google Wallet for Packaged Apps
Packaged apps for ChromeOS seem to be getting a rather large push of late, the Chromium Dev twitter account is full of events focusing on developing packaged Apps and according to Francois Beaufort we may be about to see in-app purchases included via a Chrome Wallet app on the Chrome Webstore.

For developers wanting to give it a go, you’ll need to be running Chrome Canary and will also need to install a Chrome app which generates phantom in-app purchases called ‘In-App Payments’ which you can get from GitHub. The code for the implementing in-app purchases can be reviewed over at the Chrome project.

With the speed that Google seems to have begun pushing Packaged Apps and improvements such as in-app purchases coming, ChromeOS is picking up a lot of momentum these days and could become a real contender for a lot of people as a desktop replacement.