Google Maps

We all love Google Maps, it’s one of the most useful and transformative pieces of technology that just lives our pocket these days. With features like turn by turn navigation, integrated transport guidance and location opening hours/ details it’s both navigator and travel guide in our pocket.

Google has released three new feature today to improve the overall Google Maps experience especially related to offline usage, storage space and rider service options.

Offline usage/ Data saving

Google already had the option to save maps to your device to allow you to navigate either without using your data or where there is simply no or poor connectivity. However what if you simply can’t afford to pay any excess data fees? Say you’re travelling somewhere with expensive data roaming?


The new Wi-Fi only setting will ensure that while you’re out exploring you will only suck down maps data when you’re connected to a Wi-FI access point. This saves people having to turn off mobile data and turn their smartphone into a brick to save on maps data charges.

Store to SD Card

Even on some higher end Android devices, it can be difficult to buy a model with decent internal storage, and if you’re shopping at the more affordable end of the spectrum then storage space can be close to non-existent.

If your GBs are at a premium then the ability to save maps offline could be a tantalising but unreachable feature. Today’s update allows users to store downloaded maps to their SD card. This should open up the options for downloading maps to more people. Imagine taking a trip across Australia and being able to save the entire route to your SD card? Pretty awesome.

Compare ride sharing

Google recently introduced a new tab in Maps that shows you options for ride sharing services. The options have been limited to Uber thus far. Starting today Google has added more partners to that list. They’re starting with
GO-JEK, Grab, Gett, Hailo, and MyTaxi, but you’ll note none of these services are available in Australia.

The new interface allows you to compare both fees and availability of different ride sharing options for your chosen route. Unfortunately for Australia none of the new services operates in Australia yet, however, it shows the direction Google is moving in, and as more service become available we could see them here.

Google hopes these new features will make getting around at home or abroad might just be a little easier and less worrying with these new Maps features.

What new features do you want to see added to Google Maps? Let us know below.

Source: Google.