Google has always been fairly welcoming when it comes to modding, and this week they announced a new initiative called AIY Projects which Google describes as ‘do-it-yourself artificial intelligence for Makers’.

AIY Projects will be a series of DIY project kits, with the first a Voice Kit powered by the Raspberry Pi 3. This voice kit is designed to get makers interested in replacing various user interfaces like smartphone apps, buttons, switches and digital displays with voice control using things like the newly announced Google Assistant SDK or Cloud Speech API.

AIY Projects like Voice Kit will also support Google’s IoT platform Android Things, with an option to use this on the Voice Kit, a and likely any other future project kits as an alternative.

The Voice Kit project will be shipping with this months copy of MagPi Magazine in the US, as well as being available through Barnes and Noble book stores in the US, or through WH Smith, Tesco, Sainsburys, and Asda in the UK. We’re looking into availablity here in Australia, but it sure looks interesting.

Source: Google.
Via: Android Developers.
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    Some newsagent in Australia have the MagPi worth checking in your local area.