It’s with good grace that I happily accept defeat, Vodafone has delivered -for real this time. Vodafone Nexus S customers are currently receiving the Jelly Bean OTA upgrade on their handsets as we speak, if you haven’t yet received it go to Settings > About Phone > Check For Updates and you should receive a prompt to install but it is a staggered rollout so don’t be alarmed if you haven’t got it just yet. Vodafone have delivered pretty well despite the early setback. Big thanks to the Vodafone software team and in particular Kieran Mcilwain for this one, it’s been a lot of fun.

The terms of the challenge, was that Vodafone would deliver Jelly Bean to the Nexus S within two weeks of the Factory images appearing on the Google Developer page. If they did so, I would have a picture taken wearing their Vodafone Speaks Android lanyard holding my Nexus S running Jelly Bean, if they lost however they were going to send me a Galaxy Mini 2 to review and give away. Google updated the page on Saturday July 28th and so Vodafone has won with almost 48 hours to spare, not bad at all.

I will of course fulfill my end of the bargain, a photo will be supplied of me in my Ausdroid hoodie wearing the Vodafone Speaks Android lanyard holding my Nexus S running Jelly Bean. Vodafone and Kieran have also been great sports and will be supplying the Galaxy Mini 2 for us to review and give away to you guys even though they won, so big kudos go to them.

For details on Jelly Bean Vodafone has provided a blog update which contains all the information about the release, or you could give my own Jelly Bean review a read. Either way enjoy your Buttery smooth Jelly Bean on your Nexus S and once again, thank you to Vodafone and Kieran for being such good sports.

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l thought I would post somewhere that my Nexus S got the Jelly Bean update OTA yesterday. I am in Melbourne Australia, using Optus. Google Now seems like a great feature… I’m sure it will get better with time, once it tracks my activities and browsing history, etc. The only downside I can see so far is that my battery life seems to have drop by about half. this is a bit concerning…. I’ll have to check the settings bit more closely, but it definitely doesn’t last as long… maybe only about 8 hrs , with wifi and GPS off.… Read more »


Got it just now by disabling the “Google Service Framework” and re-enabling it. Looks like Vodafone AU has fixed whatever was broken…

This time it seems that they did the right thing. However, service and signal both have a long way to go, vodafail!


Looks like they are rolling out a newer version (JRO03L) than on the google developers page (JRO03L). They must have fixed whatever the issue was that caused the delay.


Oops typo. Google Developers page has JRO03E (not L)


vodafone are very good with timely updates. Alas, they have horrible reception. And the former doesn’t make up for the latter. Maybe in 5 years they will be worth going back to. maybe.