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The Galaxy Nexus was a pretty popular phone choice for a number of Australians when it became the first Nexus device to be released on all three carriers but part of the carrier distribution agreement was that the updates had to go via Samsung and the carriers before being delivered to phones. After seemingly being abandoned on Android 4.1.2 it seems that carrier branded Galaxy Nexus owners will finally see their Android 4.3 update.

All three carriers have updated their software availability pages to indicate that Android 4.3 has been received from Samsung. Optus and Vodafone have already approved the long awaited update and are awaiting the update to begin rolling out from Samsung.

Telstra unfortunately appear to be dragging their feet, advising their customers that the update has been received and is currently in testing.

It’s been a long wait for updates for the Galaxy Nexus, but it seems that they could be arriving fairly soon – at least for two of the carriers. If you’re still rocking a stock carrier branded Galaxy Nexus – then you have the patience of a saint – let us know when you see the update and tell us what you think.

Source: OptusTelstraVodafone.
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I’ve just received the Android 4.3 today 5 Sep 2014 for my Galaxy Nexus through Samsung and I’ve updated it straight away. It seems that the 4.3 is quicker and the all the features seem to work perfectly on my Galaxy Nexus. I speak with some experience as I previously owned the Nexus S which got this update as soon as the 4.3 came out in July 24, 2013 and the effect on the Nexus S was a disaster as the Nexus S was too slow and didn’t have the CPU power to handle 4.3 that the Galaxy Nexus has… Read more »

Paul Walker

Wow! Finally.


*slow clap clap*