The Google Home Max was the answer to much of the criticism the Google Home speakers wore about the audio quality.

As with anything though, with higher quality comes a higher price – significantly higher price! At $549 in Australia, the Google Home Max is approaching the cost of the Sonos Play:5, which is one of the top streaming speakers available. However, Google’s Home Max is currently on sale, making it a bit more affordable.

Aussies can save $100 (about 18%) on the Home Max when purchasing from the Google Store at the moment. It’s a good saving, but not quite as good as the Brits are seeing – they save £200 at the moment, which is a whopping 50% off.

As good as a $100 discount is, it’s not a 50% discount.

All I’ve got to say on this is: Hey Google, Look after Aussies with some 50% discounts too!

Would you like to add a Google Home Max to your smart home setup?