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In the current age of electronic marketing, it’s difficult to believe that almost every manufacturer has internal leaks. It seems far more likely that the leaks are in fact, a cheap marketing pathway that builds hype around upcoming devices. Regardless of the driver behind the leaks, there are personalities like Eval Blass who make a living from leaking devices.

This time around we’re getting a close look at the Huawei P50 devices that launch tonight for Australians. Not just that though, exploring the threat will give you a look at Huawei’s new watch, screen and tablet.

A point of note is the fact that Huawei is unlikely to land these in the Western market anytime soon. That’s a shame too because Harmony OS looks to be very impressive in the integration between devices similar to the TCL Multiscreen collaboration. We’ll be staying in touch with Huawei’s local reps to ensure we’re ready when the devices are ready for the Aussie market.