Santa Tracker
Last year I used the NORAD Tracks Santa app to track the Jolly Fat Man on his trip around the world but it appears that the NORAD app has gone to the Dark Side : Bing! Well, it could be worse he could be using Apple Maps and then where would all the kiddies in Mildura be? But to remedy the situation Google has released their own Santa Tracking solution which includes a website, Chrome Extension and Android Application.

The tracker will track Santa from 2:00 a.m. PST Christmas Eve and the Android app at this stage pretty much consists of a countdown timer to when Santa will launch and the Google Map tracking will begin, but if you head across to the website there are other interesting things to try out including the option to organise a personalised MP3 from Santa to be sent to you via email or even a couple of games.

Give it a go and see if you like it, it’s a bit of fun and that’s what this time of year is all about.

Source: Google Lat-Long Blog.
Via: TheVerge.
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    I wonder if this is cause or effect with Norad using Bing?
    * Did NORAD decide to use Bing so Google developed their own; or
    * Did Google develop their own so NORAD went to Bing.

    These political games with maps seems to be getting hotter and hotter!