Paul Keating Insult Generator
After a massively popular debut on iOS just prior to Christmas the Paul Keating Insult Generator has landed on Google Play for the princely sum of $1.03. With truly memorable insults that sound as though (but have definitely not been) thought up by one of the truly great insult hurling masters of the Australian political scene.

The App icon has been created by Jon Kudelka who won the 2008 Walkley Award for best political cartoon and whose work appears regularly in the The Australian, Hobart Mercury and The Sunday Telegraph newspapers.

The app has been apparently received a less than favourable response from the office of the man himself when launched but Dan Nolan the creator has not heard anything recently in regards to any legal action.

The insults that are generated are pretty darned spectacular, offering such pearls as “You pumped up bunyip potentate suffering from executive incapacity” or “You intellectual rust bucket, you 24 carat pissant” which you can share with your friends, enemies or political opponents via the ‘Share’ button in the app, the insults can be shared to email, Facebook, Twitter or essentially anything which pops up in your sharing options.

New insults are generated by hitting the ‘New Insult’ button or merely swiping left or right on the screen. The actual app is pretty basic and there isn’t much more in there other than the beautifully crafted insults.

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The app is available for devices running Android 2.3.3 and upwards and is a minisucle 520KB to download. It’s from an Australian developer so show your support and throw in what equates to a quarter of a cup of coffee and start sharing some insults that sound like they’ve come from a true master.

Source: Google Play.
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    Would have been nice if it had a sound file of the former PM saying the insults.

    He did have a way with words, and this app isn’t for everyone, but good for those interested.


    Pretty boring app. I’m happy to pay for apps I get use from. (And why would I want to support those who constantly denigrate Android and its users?)

    not stingy

    hey fuck you retard

    Dan Nolan

    Thanks for the coverage man! It’s my first android app so it’d be nice to see what the community thought of it.