Property Guide
The Commonwealth bank appears to have managed to sneak their previously iOS exclusive Property Guide app onto Google Play on the 4th of January. The app allows people to look up the recent property data as supplied by RPData which includes recent sales price/date and basic information such as bedrooms, bathrooms, car spaces.

The app launches straight into a map view which you can then use to navigate to the street address you’re interested in or you can use the camera view function to attempt to get information that way(did not work well for me) or the List search which lists the properties by address.

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The app includes the ability to contact lenders or local agents directly from your phone including a list of Commonwealth Bank lenders near you as well as a repayment calculator, home buying guide and advice from ‘experts’.

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My impressions of the app is that they’ve directly ported their iOS app over, the map function is extremely laggy and that was sitting on a Wi-Fi connection with nothing else connected, the information was pretty decent but in some cases very old which is a possibility which they do point out in their App description as the data provided is from the last time the house was sold, so if the new owners add a bathroom or anything else that information obviously becomes obsolete.

Good to see the Commonwealth Bank taking a more active interest in Android and releasing apps, it will be nice to see any updates to the app that will increase speed etc though, if you’re looking for a house or just interested in having a sticky beak around the neighborhood check it out for free on Google Play it’s available for Android devices running 2.3.3 and upwards and is 4.3MB in size but you will need a data connection to retrieve the relevant information.

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    Almost French

    Sounds like it’s not ready up to standard yet. I think I’ll wait until they fix those problems.