Draw a Stickman: EPIC

There are quite a few stickman games available on the Play Store, but what makes this one different is you play this game with “your” stickman. You start by drawing a stickman and his friend and that’s where the adventure begins. Your friend (in my case “Linus”) gets eaten by a book and it is your job to go in and rescue him or her.

At the heart of this game it is a point and click adventure game, you tap the screen to direct your stickman through the hand drawn world and along the way you will encounter numerous obstacles blocking your path.

So, how do you get around obstacles when you are a stickman in a hand drawn world?
You take out your magic fire pencil and burn it to the ground.

In each level you will have access to one or more pencils to help you along the way, a fire pencil to burn stuff down, a cloud pencil to control the weather, an axe pencil to cut down trees, and the list goes on.

Some of the levels are quite simple while others will require a bit more thought. There are also pages and puzzle pieces scattered around for you to collect that are generally more difficult than getting to the end of the level.

This is great game for all ages and I find it particularly enjoyable to help my kids solve some of the puzzles and see some of the creative things they come up with. This mostly involves seeing how many things they can burn down, but it’s still fun and encourages them to use a little bit of imagination.

Draw a Stickman: EPIC is available in the Play Store for AU $1.99 and there is also a free version available for you to try out the first few levels.

Draw a Stickman: EPIC
Draw a Stickman: EPIC
Developer: Hitcents
Price: $0.99
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    Chris (Deputy Editor)

    Awesome first post Darren .. reads really well!

    vijay alapati

    i’m glad ur reviewing the apps so that this will generate income to the dev’s and encourage them to build more apps for android….gd on u 🙂