The news is out, Shifty Jelly has advised via Twitter that the new version of Pocket Casts will be released in a weeks time, launching at 11am Adelaide time on the 27th of February. If you need a constant reminder of the release then you can favourite the link to the countdown timer that @geekyGecko created here.

The new Pocket Casts features have been detailed over on the Shifty Jelly Blog but the biggest new feature apart from the insanely beautiful new Holo themed interface is the ability to sync between devices. The full list of upgrades is only known by a select few but the list so far includes :

  • Completely redesigned, completely awesome, modern Android user interface.
  • Tablet support. We’ve targeted Nexus 7 and 10, and it looks great on others too.
  • Cross-device syncing of your subscriptions, playlists and play states on every Android device you own. We *love* this feature.
  • Remote backup. You can now drop your phone in a toilet and not lose your podcasts. Buying a new phone and setting it up has never been easier.
  • Actual smart dynamic playlists. Want a list of every unplayed, downloaded podcast? Right here. How about a list of video episodes that you haven’t downloaded yet? Easy. Manual playlists are here as well for the super picky among you.

Shifty Jelly has been kind enough to give us access to the Beta so expect a full review on the day of launch but if you’ve never purchased Pocket Casts you’ll need to get in and purchase it because the intention is to raise the price from it’s very reasonable current price of $2.99, exact price has not been decided upon as yet but head over to the Play Store and check out Pocket Casts now.

Pocket Casts - Podcast Player
Pocket Casts - Podcast Player