
Google have extended their “I’m feeling lucky” search function to their Play Music All Access service to reflect your listening habits. The service takes a selection of music from your recommended music in Play Music and offers it up to you as your own personalised streaming radio. I have had access to the update for around 24 hours now and am genuinely impressed by the mix that’s coming through my headphones, with only 2 or 3 songs that have warranted a “next track” button press in around 8 hours of listening it appears that for me at least; Google have done a great job of recognising music listening habits and offering it in an easy to access mix.

The sparse changelog for the updated APK reads

  • I’m feeling lucky radio gives you music you love at the push of a button
  • Pin icons added to cards to make it easier to find things you’ve kept on device

While it’s rolling out in the normal Google staged rollout fashion, there are a good number of APK sources on the web if you’re feeling too impatient to wait for your account to get access.

Is I’m feeling lucky radio a good addition to Play Music or a simple case of Google doing something new because they can?

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    Been using it for the past few hours.
    I can see my net connection and credit card are going to cop a pounding. Finding plenty of stuff I want to buy, which hasn’t shown up in related restults in searches I’ve done in the Store.

    Jayson Barber

    I’ve used it a lot in the last 2 days! It’s fantastic. Previously, I’d have to chose a song I feel like to start a ‘Radio’ from.

    Now, Google does it for me. I was even very impressed when I set it to go as I was going for a walk, and the song it chose: “Jungle Strut” – most excellent tune to start my walk.

    Jason Hill

    Also quite impressed with the smarts of this feature spotted it whilst on the train and made good use of it