Jawbone Up24
Jawbone has announced overnight that their Android App is now updated to work with the the Jawbone Up24. The Jawbone Up24 has been an iOS exclusive up until now as well has being limited in sales to the US, however this too looks like it may be about to change.

The previous Jawbone was connected via the headphone jack but the Up24 connects via the more widely accepted Bluetooth standard and the Jawbone Up App in Google Play will now allow this with the Jawbone Up24.

The Jawbone support Twitter Account also confirmed that an International release of the fitness tracker is scheduled for early this year, although as we’re heading into Mid-March exactly how early this will be is a mystery.

We’ve contacted the Jawbone Australian arm, to confirm further details on availability as well as to arrange a review.

Source: Jawbone.
Via: TheVerge.