Field Trip, the location aware informative app from Google is now more embedded on Google Glass. Google has included the voice command “OK Glass, Explore Nearby” to launch the app which will allow Explorers to get information on their surroundings, while on the move, most likely while doing the tourist thing.
The amount of information available in the app is now greater than ever, with input from over 200 publishers incorporated into the app with the aim to let you get the best of your travels. The work hasn’t stopped at just the major cities either. Yennie Solheim Fuller from Niantic Labs, the Google spin-off who produce Field Trip as well as location aware game ‘Ingress’ commented that the search for content is perpetual at this time and that they’re not only looking for tourism information but also scouring smaller blogs and community sites.
We want content on tiny towns like Belmont too
In response to the why did it take so long for a voice launch command to be in place Leif Wilden from Google spoke to Engadget, saying
The capability to integrate apps such as Field Trip with voice commands has become available only recently.
There’s constant tweaks, improvements and more importantly; additional functionality being added to Glass on a regular basis at the moment. Now all we need is retail, global availability.
Is the continual stream of improvements getting you excited for launch of Google Glass?
No Phil.
It is NOT getting me excited for the launch.
The the publicity for the stream of updates to Google Glass is steadily getting me more and more annoyed with Google’s ongoing intransigence in not actually launching the device. We’re at what now, a year and a half of closed beta? And Google are STILL teasing the public with what Glass is capable of. Enough is enough. Google needs to release Glass. NOW.
I say this has been all hanging on the new Google maps update building a location system that can truely Scale, plus local data ingress helps with would be incredible