Google Maps quick facts

Google Maps has been given a small update to include a new info card containing quick facts when you look up popular tourist attractions.

Shown above, the new expandable window “quick facts” gives you bite sized factoids about some of most famous locations around the globe, including places here in Australia such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Opera House and the Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, just to name a few.

Sadly though, it seems that this little addition of info is only for the Google Maps desktop version, and it doesn’t work for every tourist spot out there. I am sure Google will be trying to add quick facts to as many tourist attractions as it can for the desktop Maps, and then hopefully bring this feature to mobile and tablet users as well.

Would you like to see Mobile and Tablet device support the new quick facts info card now or would you rather wait to all tourist attractions are added?

Source: Search Engine Land.
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    Critical missing info from the cards, no disabled access status.