While Android enjoys the largest number of apps available on any mobile platform – over 1 Million apps at this stage – some of those Apps can be inappropriate; either as Trademark or Copyright infringing or just malicious or generally inappropriate. There’s been a flag as inappropriate link in the Android Google Play store for a while, but Google has finally added a link to the web version of Google Play.

Flag As Inappropriate

The Flag as inappropriate link is currently available on Apps, Books and Music in Google Play, with no option to report inappropriate Newsstand or Movies & TV content. Clicking on the link will take you through to a Google Support page, which prompts you to classify exactly how you find the content to be inappropriate.

It’s still not as straight forward as clicking a link. The support section for malicious and infringing apps will still direct you to report it on your Android device. But, if you select the infringing copyright or a trademark section, you will find a link to a web-form where you can report content for any of the reasons laid out:
Inappropriate content web-form

There’s definitely some crap out there in the Google Play store and more arriving every day from less than reputable developers – this is what happens with an open eco-system, thankfully tools like this make it easy for everyone to collectively police the garbage.

Have you seen something which needs reporting? Let us know so we can direct the Ausdroid army to report it.

Source: Support.
Via: Android Police.
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    Eww. More opportunities for Google to censor content. Interesting that books and music are included but magazines, film and TV isn’t.