Playboy Now
‘I read it just for the articles’ has always been the claim and that’s just what Playboy is banking on with their new app ‘Playboy Now’. The app which has arrived for Android and iOS, is a safe for work browsing experience which shows the news side of the famous ‘lifestyle and entertainment magazine’.

The app contains content from, but without the usual skin associated with the magazine, but that’s not to say there’s no skin at all, it’s just ‘safe for work’ no nudity skin. The content consists of lists, videos and weird news and is updated twice hourly to make sure that there’s plenty to engage readers, and according to Phillip Morelock, Playboy senior vice president and chief product officer there’s plenty of readers, mostly on mobile.

We have a very engaged audience on mobile and about three-fourths comes after 4 p.m. So we are building this optimized experience for these guys who are coming back every day and there are millions of them. We want to give them the best experience possible when they are out and about. I think that’s also really relevant for our advertisers.

The official feature list for the app includes :

A daily curated hot list…don’t miss the latest and greatest on celebrities, nightlife, the latest trends and of course the girls…you know, all the important stuff.
Become the suave, sophisticated and uniquely informed Playboy you were meant to be.
Get the quick and dirty on your favorite sports, entertainment, fast cars and hot girls.
Go behind the velvet ropes – Events at the Mansion, Playmates, celebs and more.

The app is free to download from Google Play for devices running Android 4.0.3 and above – just don’t blame us if your SO sees it.

The app was not found in the store. 🙁
Source: Google Play.
Via: USA Today.
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    I still remember buying the September and December 1982 issues of Playboy US edition specifically for their 2 part condensed version of 2010: Odyssey II
    IIRC, Australia didn’t see the paperback of the complete novel till mid 1983.