Lara Croft Go - Title

Square Enix the studio behind the popular mobile game Hitman Go has just announced another title in the GO series of games. Lara Croft GO puts you in control of the Indiana Jones-esque explorer cum gun-welding bad arse Lara Croft from the Tomb Rader series. In our brief look at the game, it seems to be a fairly standard puzzle solving adventure game as is the style of Tomb Raider.

Lara Croft GO expands the turn-based puzzle gameplay and takes you on an adventure set in a long-forgotten world. Explore the ruins of an ancient civilization, discover hidden secrets and face deadly challenges as you uncover the myth of the Queen of Venom.

The game comes in a $6.49 on the Australian Playstore, but also includes In-App Purchases (IAP) worth $2.49 – $6.49 per item. That said, the original Hitman GO title, which was also sold with an up-front fee and included IAP also proved to be worth its price tag. If you’re a fan or either the Tomb Raider series or puzzle adventure games why don’t you give Laura Croft GO a look?

Follow the link below to Google Play if you want to give it a go.

Lara Croft GO
Lara Croft GO
Developer: CDE Entertainment
Price: $5.99

Source: Square Enix.
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Reminds me a bit of monument Valley


I though the same thing.

tilak abg

Will wait till it goes on sale for a dollar


and then you’ll whine about it not being free.

And THEN you’ll whine about it because it’s freemium
