
Electronic Arts (EA) has announced overnight that it has removed various game titles from both Google Play and the App Store to help the company’s efforts on developing new and exciting titles, while also helping bring new and exciting content and updates to existing popular games.

The list, below, shows that EA has removed five titles from the Google Play store, with the majority being apps on the iOS App Store that have now been removed:

EA Removed Games List

EA has said that while the games have been removed and will no longer be updated, users who have the games on their devices (or in iOS case, backed up on their iTunes library) can continue to enjoy playing them – EA just won’t be updating or creating new updated content for these games.

It is sad to see older games be removed for us to download and play, however with newer and better games coming out all the time, I guess that this is just the natural and best thing for EA and other game developers do to excite us with new content.

Source: EA.
Via: Droid Gamers.
  • EA