Twitter has always been willing to take on new ways to use their platform. The Hashtag, the @ mention, they’re all ways that users came up with using the social network that Twitter didn’t originally intend for it to be used for. Today Twitter has announced that they’ve adopted another use case, although this time it involves a slight tweak to the user interface: the favourite is now becoming a heart.

The Fav button has long been used by Twitter users to indicate they’ve seen, and appreciated a tweet, but not enough to maybe retweet it, but it’s nice to know your tweet has been seen. Twitter has acknowledged that ‘favouriting’ something may not be as straight forward as we who’ve been using the platform for a while think it is and so the fav will become a heart icon – heart = love – it’s simple.

Users of Twitter’s Social Video sharing app Periscope will be familiar with the hearts and so not only is the heart coming to Twitter it’s also coming to Vine as well, making the heart the ubiquitous ‘Like’ across all Twitter’s platforms

The change is in place on the web, and it’s coming soon to your mobile app on Android and iOS soon. If you see this post on Twitter, make sure to give it a ‘like’ to test it out.

Source: Twitter.