Google Search
Google is constantly testing stuff and it looks like Google mobile search is possibly going to be getting some new features according to at least one user on reddit.

User tyler_shaw24 posted a screenshot on the /r/android subreddit, which shows ‘What’s Hot’ and ‘Nearby’ options for searches along with his usual recent search history. When selected, the Nearby option gives search prompts for nearby Coffee shops, Gas Stations, Restaurants and ATMs, while the ‘What’s Hot’ option brings up trending search results very likely linked to the users location.

While the user has recently updated to the January security update, the options appear to be a server side test rather than a new version of Google Search – much like the colourful new Weather cards that some users are currently seeing.

Google does a lot of A/B testing for their products, so we may never see these in a more broad release, but I for one could see a lot of utility in both search options.

Source: reddit.