Shaq Attack in your car! The good folks over at Google company Waze have gotten in the mood for the NBA 2016 playoffs offering to let Basketball great Shaquille O’Neal guide you through your journey for a limited time.

The offer to download Shaq’s voice starts today, but like all the celebrity voices which Waze introduces it’s only available for a limited time. The voice can be switched on by opening Waze, swiping from the left and hitting the settings Cog in the top right, then scroll down to ‘Sound’ and tap ‘Navigation Guidance’ once you’re there you can add Shaquille O’Neal – which is only available in US English.


It’s an interesting voice to be guided by, with Shaq coming up with a few interesting phrases. Waze lists some of the phrases you’ll here which include ‘Don’t cause a Shaqcident’ and ‘Police reported ahead. Don’t be Shaqtin a fool!’.

To try out Shaq guiding you around today, download Waze for free from Google Play and select the voice.

Waze Navigation & Live Traffic
Waze Navigation & Live Traffic
Developer: Waze
Price: Free

Source: Waze.