exploding kittens

Many things lay claim to being one of the most funded Kickstarter projects of all time, and while Exploding Kittens probably isn’t the most funded project, it is one of the coolest that I’ve seen. The premise is simple; popular comic artist The Oatmeal partnered with Elan Lee to produce an incredibly popular card game featuring what other than exploding cats.

The gameplay is quite simple, and it wasn’t long before the card-based game was made into a mobile app for iOS. The fans craved an Android version, and now those cravings have been answered, with an Android version released overnight.

Take a look at the gameplay below, and then join us, your family or friends for a game online.

Source: Exploding Kittens.
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    The card version of the game is good fun and they look to have added some extras that should make it more interesting.

    Jesse Kinross-Smith

    It’s not the most funded (it’s at #5) – but it did set the record for the most backed project of all time with 219,382 backers!