
Todoist is one of the most comprehensive and integrated task list platforms available. In their latest update the platform is placing a clearer focus on teamwork, its no longer just a task list for business it has become a centre for workflow control.

The changes focussed around business and project management are associated with their new Business User plans. The changes include easier setup for inviting members of your team to a project where a new feature called Team Activity Logs are available.

Team Activity Logs allow all members of a project to see not just notes but also who has made changes to tasks such as due dates and assignment of tasks within the project. The addition of Project comments rather than just task based comments allows general project discussion to be captured and accessible to all users in one place rather than fragmented through various tasks.

That’s not all that has changed though with the addition of business accounts. Notifications have gotten much more useful by bundling notifications to a task rather than a stream in chronological order.

Smartly bundled notifications give you the information you need at a glance so you can quickly get caught up on exactly what’s happening in your shared projects – whether you’re on your office computer or on your phone during the commute home.

As well as a rethought quick add for tasks making it easier and more intuitive to not only add, but assign tasks to your team members.

As a heavy user of Todoist for my paid employment, as well as at Ausdroid, and using it for a personal task list I’m thrilled with the update as these changes will make life much easier to maintain my workflows.

What changes would make Todoist more functional to you in your daily life?

Source: Todoist Blog.
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Michael Reville

I’m just stoked that it’s finally possible to drag tasks to become subtasks. Think I’ll switch from Keep for that feature.