
If the latest report from Bloomberg is correct then the mysterious ‘people familiar with the matter’ have revealed to them that Google’s Daydream VR platform is ‘virtually ready’ (hah). The sources confirmed that not only is the platform nearing final release quality but Google is working hard to have a rich variety of content ready for Launch.

It should be no surprise that Daydream is almost ready, with the new Nexus devices rumoured for launch within the next month, with Android 7.1 possibly coming along for the ride, the common expectation is that Daydream will launch very near those devices. It’s also not surprising, but very welcome, that Google is working on getting content ready fro the nascent platform.

The content strategy seems to be multi-pronged with Google making investments or working with developers across 360 Video, apps, games and shorts to ensure the virtual shelves of their daydream marketplace. This additional content could, in part, rollout to the entire VR industry bolstering the VR offerings from other players as well.

With the entire VR segment getting more interesting every day having an accessible but higher quality VR experience built into Android could not only improve access to the technology but help drive content and innovation forward.

What VR experiences are you most looking forward to? Let us know below.

Source: Bloomburg.
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VR games! After playing Caaaaaaardboard, I’m looking forward to games with a proper controller.

Phill Edwards

I’ve only ever used VR once which was with the eBay VR department store viewer. It was totally useless as everything was out of focus for my eyes and no way to make an adjustment. I wrote to the dev email that was listed but nothing happened. So I’m not excited about VR at all.


So your whole opinion of VR is based on one crappy app on what sounds like one crappy headset?