Evernote has taken to its blog to share with its Android users an update which brings a much better and enhanced way of sharing notes from Evernote to other apps like WhatsApp.

The new sharing functions for Android users features the ability to better share notes, be it a quote you just pulled from a website, a list of to-do items you need to share or something like a business note you need to share with a colleague, both within Evernote, through the various social media, messaging or SMS apps like Slack, WhatsApp or Telegram that we all have installed.

Above all else, Evernote wants to be available to everyone, so you can also share the link to a note you’ve saved in Evernote with anyone regardless if they they’re not an Evernote user.

What is also new in the update to Evernote is the ability to track and store what notes or notebooks have been sent and to who. You can also quickly find what you’re looking for under the shared section of the main menu within the app on the left hand screen (see gif image above) by:

  • Filtering the list by name or type (note or notebook)
  • Sorting the list by title, name, and date

There is also the ability to share notebooks with others say if you’re working with others on a project or planning a family trip, and with this you might find yourself sharing more and more notes than usual. As part of this update, it brings the ability for users to save time by placing all your project briefs, travel itineraries, and planning notes in a notebook, then sharing it with others.

Instead of sending multiple email attachments every time you want to share notes, just simply send out a quick message out to your group to remind them to check the shared notebook for new and updated notes. By sharing your notebooks which isn’t really like sharing a folder from your cloud account, but more like a digital journal with pages you can attach files to and add notes and comments to.

Evernote is struggling with perception after changing their pricing structure a while back, but continues to add more usability features to potentially outweigh those criticisms. It’s an interesting set of new updates, you can try them out in the Evernote app available in Google Play now.

Evernote for Android Wear
Evernote for Android Wear

Source: Evernote Blog.