It’s a morning of bargains today, with the Humble Bundle team unveiling their latest mobile bundle featuring exclusive Android games for next to nothing.

The bundle is called the Roguelike bundle, but what is the Roguelike Mobile Bundle? Well, the Humble Bundle team says:

We like roguelikes. Thatโ€™s why we put together this bundle of roguelike mobile games you can take with you anywhere! Just load them onto your trusty Android device and head off in search of trouble.

But enough about what it is, here’s what you can get. If you only want to pay $1USD then you can grab three games: Desktop Dungeons, bit Dungeon I and bit Dungeon II, as well as the soundtracks for bit Dungeon and bit Dungeon II. If you want to pay more than $5USD you get those three games, plus Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic, Road Not Taken and Dungelot: Shattered Lands and the Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic Soundtrack. Finally, if you want to beat the average price of the bundle, which stands at $5.22USD currently, you get all those, plus Heroes of Loot 2, Sproggiwood and Star Chindy: SciFi Roguelike and the Sproggiwood soundtrack.

Payment is, as usual, available to be made through Credit Card, PayPal and Amazon payments. There’s also the option to split, as you see fit, your payment between Childs Play Charity, EFF, the developers and the Humble Bundle team.

If you’re a regular Humble Bundle customer, you’ll definitely want to check out the Android app. The Humble Bundle Android app isn’t available on Google Play, so you’ll have to download the APK and side-load it. It keeps track of all your purchases and lets you easily access and install all your games on the go.

If you’re interested in finding out more check out the Humble Bundle Mobile website now.