The final episode of Game of Thrones season 7 has aired and with that the Foxtel exclusive has ended, with Season 7 now available to purchase from digital providers.

There are seven episodes in season 7 of Game of Thrones, with an option to purchase in either SD or HD. Each episode ranges in size from 50 minutes up to a whopping 1 hour and 20 minutes for the finale. From a check around the various stores – Google Play, Microsoft and iTunes – it appears the SD version will set you back $19.99AUD, while the HD version bumps it up to $23.99AUD.

Google Play also has an option to purchase seasons 1-7 for $135.99 in glorious HD resolution (there’s no SD option).

For those who watched the series already on Foxtel (or Foxtel Now) the wait for Season 8 is on. There will be 6 episodes in Season 8, but as of now, HBO has not announced when Season 8 will air. It’s pretty exciting, but if you want to catch up, head to your favourite source and grab the season (or the whole series) now.

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    I would suggest that anyone who doesn’t have or can’t afford foxtel, and hasn’t seen this yet, probably doesn’t have internet access, but even those people probably got USB sticks or other methods of watching.

    That’s no reason not to report it though. There are people who pirate but will buy the official release later just to support the people who worked on the show (even though mere cents would flow down to them from the purchase) and never watch it from the purchased library.


    Wish the had the deluxe copies available like all the previous seasons. Oh well.

    Another Obvious Comment

    I have made an astonishing discovery in the comments.
    Did you know that a die hard fan of something would really buy the thing they are a fan of! Can you believe it?
    Also learnt that several related items sold together constitute a collection.
    Mind blown.


    A die hard fan would really purchase this. This is a kind of collection.