Google Tasks has been a bit of a neglected love child for a while now, with the basic functions being there but with little added functionality or capabilities.

This is probably one of the big factors in the success of task managers such as Wunderlist, Todoist and Anydo and is finally being addressed by Google. Additional functionality is being added to Tasks to add start times and reminders around tasks.

The additional functions listed on the G Suite Blog simply show:

  • Set a date and time for your tasks and receive notifications
  • Create repeating tasks
  • Import reminders into Tasks

The new functionality is already visible on my web interface for tasks, but not in the app on my devices so its not yet rolled out fully. We are in the middle of the rollout period Google have stated of 18 – 20th March so we expect it to come in the next day or two.

There’s a lot of really nice changes that may entice users of paid services over to the Google Task management: will you be migrating over?

Source: G Suite Blog.