Last year, users began to see related information to Google search topics. Essentially, the AI at Google examined your search and related searches to provide contextual information relevant to your query. It’s a way of building on your search without needing to enter a new search string.

In the early phase, it wasn’t just about AI learning it was also about efficiency of search on mobile platform. Increasingly important given the critical reliance we have on our mobile devices and the hours we spend on them daily.

EDM117 on Reddit has spotted what appears to be the same function making its way to desktop.

It’s unclear at this time if this is a testing interface, a silent rollout of the function beginning or if it’s only been turned on for a small number of users for testing purposes. Perhaps its me being hopeful, but the fact is has appeared on a game search makes me wonder what the future for playing demo games will be with Stadia on the way.

Source: Reddit.
Via: 9 to 5 Google.