We’re well into Australia day, and while it means different things to different people we’re all facing some hurdles together in 2020. Significant areas of Australia have been impacted by natural disasters, and there are thousands of families suffering the effects. For our nation’s firefighters the fight is not yet over, and the recovery has barely started. It’s with that in mind that today’s Google Doodle is dedicated to the services and volunteers involved.

Today’s Doodle recognises their contribution across the nation. Inspired by their bravery, resilience and efforts in the midst of crisis, we chose to honour and celebrate them with a Doodle featuring three firies and a koala, highlighting the volunteers and the people, places and wildlife they are trying to protect.

Throughout the disasters across Australia, we’ve seen multiple offers from major businesses to help those affected. All three carriers have offers for the volunteers, disaster relief funding for those who have been directly impacted as well as NBN Co setting up free internet access for evacuation centres.

I think Google has said it all in their Australia Blog: To all the fire and emergency services personnel and volunteers across Australia – thank you for all that you do.

From our team, Happy Australia Day – however you choose to recognise or celebrate the day.

Source: Google Australia Blog.