Google Play Music (GPM) is now dead and for heavy users, that’s sad. But we can only move onward and upward with another option, whether you choose something outside the Google platform or YouTube Music. The latter continues to grow and develop now with a clear focus on making it a very competitive offering on the market. The latest tweaks to the user interface and recommendations — however subtle — make it better again.

Your Mix is now My Supermix

This one is pretty subtle and maintains the same cover art so it took a day or two to notice. Particularly because, under the covers, this is the same algorithm that previously made up the your mix playlist. So you should get a never-ending playlist of music that is similar to your general listening habits; most of which you’ll like. Remember this is your mix so if you do get songs you don’t like, take ownership of it. Simply skipping tracks you don’t like doesn’t help, take the 10 seconds to give it a thumbs down to tell Google not to put that s**t in your stream!

You can now sort your music easily

It shouldn’t be a surprise that sorting your music is a feature, but it’s been overlooked by the developers for a while. In fact, until very recently, the option to sort your library was exceedingly limited. So the implementation of alphabetic sorting makes life that bit easier when you’re trying to find a specific song or album you added some time ago but can’t remember when.

Both are subtle changes to the system but give the users more control over their music and a sense of ownership over playback. Hopefully, their focus on development and polishing the features of YouTube Music continues making it a viable competitor to the likes of Spotify.

What feature additions or changes do you believe still need to be made to YouTube Music?

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The correct way to evolve YTM is for it to DIAGDF, and for GPM to be resurrected fully.
GPM was not perfect. It had faults, but because Google wanted everyone shoved over to YTM so they could murder GPM, none of the faults were fixed, and YTM is comprehensively abysmal and pathetic in comparison to GPM.

Mark Smith

Complete dumpster fire of a spammy app.

They need to get rid of the ads for people listening to their own music they’ve already paid to download through the Play store or installed from other sources


Family Link kids access to Youtube Music needs to be fixed ASAP


Now if only I was able to uninstall Google Play Music. Alas, it is a system app and I can’t do so.