According to Google, their streaming game platform Stadia has now proven itself to be worth the investment. It brings the latest and greatest games to live and mobile with you whenever, wherever you want it to. For now though, the major limitation is that not all games are available.

In a blog post by Phil Harrison, VP and GM of Google Stadia the announcement has come that Google that their focus will be moving towards platform delivery and away from software development, closing their in-house studio.

Given our focus on building on the proven technology of Stadia as well as deepening our business partnerships, we’ve decided that we will not be investing further in bringing exclusive content from our internal development team SG&E, beyond any near-term planned games.

While Google have made the move to close their own development studio, the plans for Stadia continue into the future. There are a number of top titles on the platform with more likely in the future, if only Google would bring Stadia to Australia officially.

Is a US$9.99 per month game streaming service something you would pay for, or do you think the market is limited for the service?

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Adam J

Where Google drags its heels introducing these products to international markets outside the US, others will fill the gap. Already, NVIDIA GeForce Now is starting up within Australia.


And Microsoft has had their cloud based game streaming in the country for a few months now.


I prefer to own my copies of games in full Phil, rather than lease access to them.
So for me, Stadia isn’t something I’d pay for even if I had a Real NBN FTTP connection.