Despite our online, connected world there’s still a lot of paper we handed on a near-daily basis. This can be in the form of documents, forms that require signing and of course the pile of receipts that build up. There are a plethora of ways to convert these to electronic, with Google coming to the party with a new option: Stack.

The premise is simple and is — or seems to be — breaking existing functionality out of Google Drive, into a stand-alone option. The option to scan documents and receipts already exists in Google Drive, with AI scanning your documents to make them searchable. This extends into Stack with the app, with the ability to categorise your documents automatically. Stack can also copy all scanned items to your Google Drive, so you won’t lose your documents if you stop using Stack.

Unfortunately at the moment, the app is only available to US residents as a limited trial. The question is, with the mass of existing document management apps: How much traction do you believe Stack will get in the mobile market?

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Phill Edwards

“Stack can also copy all scanned items to your Google Drive, so you won’t lose your documents if you stop using Stack.”
Or when Google discontinue the service 2 years later.