Galaxy s3 update

Ausdroid reader Anthrox has given us the heads-up that he received a Jelly Bean 4.1.2 update for his 3G Galaxy S III today. TheĀ handset update tableĀ from Telstra’s Crowd Support page initially read “Scheduled to begin staged deployment at 2:00 PM AEDT 4th February” but the update was pulled at the last minute, and it seems to be rolling out to users now.

If you’ve patiently been waiting for the official update, be sure to start spamming “check for software update” for some Jelly Bean goodness!

Source: Telstra Crowd Support.
Thanks: Anthrox.
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Got this on Friday 4th. Working perfectly after clearing the cache partition! Love it.
Annoyed I can’t change the dock icons though – this has been locked since 4.1.1


Admin, any news on official jb for s2 from Optus?


I just updated to 4.1.2 and I can’t find a way to change the dock icons?

I’m stuck with Phone, Contacts, Messaging, and Internet…??

Usually with TouchWiz, you go into the App drawer and press ‘edit’ to change them but in this version, when you go into the app drawer the dock slides away, too, so you can’t access it to edit it!

TouchWiz devices I have at home right now (I’m a mobile dev) are Galaxy S, S2, S3, Note and Tab 7.7 and the S3 with 4.1.2 is the only one with this behaviour, I’m baffled :S

Juan Mackie

I thought i was going mad but its a new “feature” samsung built into touchwiz cant change em !

David McMullen

Nova Launcher.


SGS3 is for my wife, I use a Nexus 4 myself šŸ™‚
I have Nova Prime but she doesn’t want it because the full-page S Planner month widget is TouchWiz-only

David McMullen

Right you are sir. I’m a happy Prime user… Glad I use an alternative calender widget =)

David McMullen

Err, my Telstra 3G S3 got this update OTA on Feb 5th arvo. Sent you guys a message? Anyway it’s been working fine since then =)

Maxx Power

I updated my galaxy 3 3g model last December and earlier this week the motherboard died. The tech guy t Telstra said it was due to the jellybean update. Anyone else have this issue?

Sean Royce

>Due to the jellybean update.
I highly doubt the update caused the motherboard to die. Most likely, you know a lot more then him.


If you have a look around XDA and similar places there are stories that the Galaxy S3 has a 140-150day lifetime on some devices and is a known hardware issue hence no questions asked when it is returned following sudden-death.

The exact same thing happened on my GF SGS3 including the same response from Telstra. The 4.1.1 update from Telstra was atrocious but unrelated to the hardware fault. Constant force closes and reboots not to mention the abysmal battery life. Since the new update everything appears to be fine.


No WiFi issues on International 4.1.2


I updated via Kies on Friday. Got issues with Wi-Fi connectivity, as many others have, as well as Nexus users who got a similar update. Rolled back to 4.1.1. Some forums reporting a patch was released, and will wait for confirmation from Telstra.

Matthew Wilson

What version? 4.1.2?

Graham Bae

Sorry, I should have included that information in the first place. It’s 4.1.2. Updated the post.