It hasn’t even been a year since Telstra last offered free access to Apple Music, and to be honest it’s not quite as good this time, with only 6-months of free access on offer this time.

The offer, which goes live today is only for new Apple Music customers, with Telstra stating that ‘If you have a pre-existing Apple Music account, you must cancel that account directly with Apple before signing up to a Telstra Offer’. So unfortunately those still on the initial 12-month deal can’t extend their offer further.

The offer is also only available to those on an existing Telstra post-paid plan, or if you’re recontracting on a 12 or 24 month Go Mobile plan – sorry Pre-Paid customers.

With 30 million tracks, Apple Music boasts the same library size as competitor Spotify but lags behind Google Play with 35 million tracks as well as access to an online storage locker which you can upload 50,000 of your own tracks to. Apple Music is attempting to differentiate themselves a little though boasting exclusive releases as well as hand curated playlists from a team of music experts.

Once the Telstra 6-months Apple Music offer expires, you’ll be up for $11.99 per month which will be billed to your Telstra account.

The Apple Music app is available on devices running Android 4.3+, which is 79.8% of Google Android devices according to the latest stats. The app itself is pretty good, though could still do with some refinements, but it does allow you to save music to the microSD card in your phone – a trick that Apple’s microSD cardless iPhone has yet to learn.

If you’re interested in checking out the offer, there’s a bunch of terms and conditions to read through. For more info on the deal you can head to

Source: Telstra.
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    I still have a long time to go on the previous 12 months offer.
    At free I’ll take it but I wouldn’t pay for it vs spotify or google