The Commonwealth Games has kicked off on the Gold Coast, and as the official Support Network partner, Optus has taken full advantage launching Optus 5G Live showcase in Broadbeach to show off the Optus 5G network in full force for the first time in public.

The showcase is open for the duration of the Commonwealth Games, and visitors to the showcase will be able to see a range of applications of 5G and see what the key differences between 5G and other wireless technologies are.

Managing Director of Optus Networks Dennis Wong said,

From being able to see 16 Gbps speeds through a 5G test room, to using a robotic arm to operate a vending machine, these experiences allow people to truly see how 5G may be integrated into day-to-day life – not just numbers on a screen

The showcase will include a number of demonstrations to show off the high bandwidth and low latency of the 5G network, including VR Football, Cycling and Driving demonstrations and the option to check out a remotely operated robotic arm, or play Rock, Paper, Scissors against an AI controlled robotic hand.

Optus will also be showcasing the ultra-fast capability of their 5G network, streaming TV on the go to an 8K TV in their Optus 5G Van.

Visitors can even attend the Commonwealth Games for the best seat in the house at the bottom of Optus Aquatic Centre via the 360 degree dome.

Optus is expecting to roll out the first phase of their 5G network more broadly in 2019. If you’re on the Gold Coast you can check it out the Optus 5G showcase at Kurrawa Park, Broadbeach.