Samsung have not long ago sent around a launch email for the Galaxy Tab, within that email was a link to a part of the Samsung AU website dedicated to our favourite Tablet. The site provides you with all the information and propaganda you’ll ever need to make up your mind before forking out $999 or signing your life away on a 2 year contract. There’s how-to’s, why you should buy it, cool features and most importantly where to buy one. We’ve mostly covered this but Samsung have listed that the following companies/retailers will be stocking the Gal Tab:

Still no word on when the price will be lowered 😉

Source: Samsung Australia.
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After 2 nights playing with Galaxy Tab, purchased for my daughter through Harvey Norman on Optus $59.95 plan, she & I are extremely happy with it.

Be very careful of how you get SIM out from the card. Optus now provides single SIM that can also be a Micro SIM. It is very easy to break off the Micro SIM from the piece that makes it a full size SIM by accident. I did, so back to Harvey Norman to get it replaced!

The only issue so far is no SWYPE, despite contrary information on Samsung Website.


Could we get a 850mhz version from US or are they modified for Telstra only? If so ill be ordering from us for sure!


The AT&T version of G.T. will be 850mhz, I believe, but according to what I read on Engadget yesterday, it will also be the dearest at $699, mind you that is still cheaper than $999 at current exchange rate. You may get them cheaper from the UK, but they won’t be 850mhz I think.


It is insulting that Samsung Australia believes it is acceptable to charge $999 AUD for a device that retails for $600 USD.


yay maybe a pickup tomorrow 🙂